Before proceeding, please ensure that you are familiar with Sending a Proof – The Basics
Step 1.
Open/Create the documents you want to send for review.
Step 2.
From the GoProof extension, select the Client and Project you want to send the files to from the dropdown menus.
Note: If you haven’t already created a client and a project, or you need to create a new one, see Creating a Client.
Step 3.
From the fly-out menu located in the top right-hand corner of the GoProof extension, select Add This File to Project…
Step 4.
Click Ok when asked ‘Are you sure you want to add this document to the <Project Name> Project.
Step 5.
Repeat steps 1-4 until you’ve added all required files for this project.
Step 6.
When you’ve added all the required files for this Project, select Send Project for Proof…. from the fly-out menu.
Step 7.
A list of all the documents available to send for proof will be displayed. Click Send.
Step 8.
Follow the on-screen instructions for sending the project to your collaborators.