This feature is only available to Publishers.
Before proceeding, make sure you are familiar with the following: Accessing the GoProof extension and Reviewing comments from the collaborators.
Step 1.
In the GoProof extension, go to the Reviews tab.
Step 2.
Click Open file to open your document and then click Changes to view any comments or text amends from your collaborators.
Step 3.
If there have been any text amends requested, the Story name will be displayed. Expand this entry by clicking on the story name.
Note: Only an edited document text frame will be displayed underneath the expanded Story.
Step 4.
A preview is displayed, showing the requested text changes.
Note: Click on the Magnifying glass icon to find and highlight the paragraph within the document.
This will apply all of the edits to the selected text frame in one single action.
Click on the Play icon to apply all the text changes for the selected text frame in one action.
Note: To view the new proposed text without all of the highlighted changes, click on the Toggle Text Amends icon.
You can step through the changes one-by-one, choosing whether to accept or reject the requested edit.
Note: Red text with a strikethrough represents a deletion and the text with a blue background represents an insertion.