This feature is only available to GoProof Admins.
Step 1.
Login to your GoProof account on our website.
Step 2.
Click Users to go to the Users dashboard.
Step 3.
Locate the Proof Sender account you want to convert.
Step 4.
Click on the 3 dot icon under the action column and select Convert.
Note: If your proof sender has an active license, you will need to contact Customer Support for further assistance.
Step 1.
Login to your GoProof account on our website.
Step 2.
Click Users to go to the Users dashboard.
Step 3.
Click on the Collaborators Filter
Step 4
under the Filter Users section to locate the collaborator account you want to convert and then click Convert.
Step 4.
Click on the 3 dot icon under the action column and select Convert.
Note: You will need to add a license to a proof sender account which has been converted from a collaborator account. Simply click on the Request a license link provided or contact Customer Support for further assistance.