1. Open Adobe InDesign and go to the InDesign menu on the top-left corner of the screen.
2. Select Preferences and then GoPublish Settings. The GoPublish preferences window should appear.
3. Set the Server IP for your organisation in the field provided. This is the GoPublish URL that will be provided to you by Oppolis.
4. Set the Document Storage Location for your organisation by selecting on the ellipsis button.
5. Browse through your machine the document storage location and select Choose to populate the field provided with the correct file path. The document storage location needs to accessible by all users of GoPublish and is where the InDesign documents are stored.
6. Set the Local Scratch Folder for your organisation by selecting on the ellipsis button.
7. Go to the location where you want your local scratch folder should be in. This folder needs to be on your local machine and you will require read and write access.
8. Create a New folder, name it as Scratch and select Choose to populate the field provided with the correct file path.
9. Click on the OK button to confirm all the changes you have made.
Reminder: Please check with your IT Team to confirm the Document Storage Location file path for your organisation.