Installing the Adobe CC Extension

Note: Ensure that your Adobe applications are not running. i.e InDesignPhotoshopIllustratorPremiere Pro and InCopy.

Step 1.
Click here to install the add-on. You must have file syncing turned on in your Creative Cloud desktop app.

Step 2.
In your Adobe App, access the GoProof extension. To know where to access it from, visit Accessing the GoProof Extension.

Step 3.
Login to the GoProof extension using your GoProof account credentials.

GoProof Extension Login

In some situations, the Adobe Exchange may not install the GoProof Extension. You can manually install the Extension following the instructions below.

Manual Installation

Step 1.
Click here to download Anastasiy’s Extension Manager

Step 2.
Click here to contact Oppolis to receive the latest installer.

Step 3.
With Anastasiy’s Extension Manager, quit all instances of Adobe and open the GoProof extension installer file which you just downloaded. This will install GoProof onto your machine.

If you have any issues with the manual installer please contact our Support Team and provide us with your computer operating system (macOS or Windows) and Adobe CC version (CC2024, CC2025, etc).

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